Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lileks perfectly describes my attitude... as usual

"I’m approaching the new administration with a blank slate. I have no desire to walk around frowning in perpetual grumptitude, and it would be intellectually dishonest to prejudge everything that happens before it happens, or see the smallest act in terms of some broad preconceived idea. I thought that was an impressive victory speech, and if someone offers to earn your support, well, take him up on it."

Totally agree... at least for the next two months (not that Democrats afforded George Bush the same courtesy in 2000 or 2004 when he made exactly the same request, but I promise to be the bigger man). I fully expect that sometime in late January... January 21st perhaps, President Obama, is going to propose something that's going to send me into a spiral of "come on, you gotta be kidding me!" I'm just hoping it's not the Fairness Doctrine, but we'll see.

In the meantime, no reason not to kick back and enjoy the fact that all the assholes who were so sure we are the most racist nation on Earth have been proved as wrong as most of us reasonable folk always believed they were.

So... what's up Europe? lookin' a little lilly white over there guys... people are gonna start to talk.

You can read James Lileks here... or check out his new screedblog here.

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