Saturday, July 18, 2009

HA! Econ Advisor cites Google search as evidence of recovery.

These guys really are a bunch of clowns. I don't know about you, but the very first thing I did after reading this ridiculous story was go to Google and search for "economic depression."

Friday, July 17, 2009


I keep getting asked if Sotomayor should be confirmed. The answer is obviously yes. Republicans need to learn the lesson that elections matter. We've thrown away two opportunities to win Presidential elections in my lifetime... nominating Bob Dole in 1996 and then McCain in 2008, and we've paid dearly both times.

The President gets a wide berth, in my opinion, on the judges he nominates to the bench. If his own party wants to argue the point and say no, then fine. And Harriet Meiers was a great example of a party not simply lying back and taking it when their guy makes a bad choice (The Dems could learn something from that, but they won't because nothing is more important than managing the image of The One).

But as long as the nominee has a very basic legal and intellectual qualification for the bench, and Sotomayor clearly does, then that nominee should be confirmed no matter how much he or she sucks. And believe me, it's hard to think of a collection of opinions I would disagree with more than the Sotomayor rulings that have been highlighted during this process.

So she should be confirmed unanimously, and we should learn our lesson about not screwing around.

That said, those who would argue the Republicans shouldn't take the opportunity to show the country why Sotomayor sucks are just crazy. Not only do we have a responsibility to ourselves to remind our own poiticians and voters why elections matter, but we owe it to the country to make sure that every stone is overturned before anyone, ANYONE, is confirmed to sit in one of the most powerful seats in the most powerful government on Earth.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A nice fisking of the President's latest economic claims

Along with yet another appearance by Mr. Obama's favorite bad guy... the Straw Man.

Check it out.

Friday, July 10, 2009

John Mellencamp: Epic Fail

“I don’t think people fought and gave their lives so that some guy can sit in his bedroom and be mean. I don’t think that’s what freedom of speech is,” he continued. “Freedom of speech is really about assembly — for us to collectively have an idea. We want to get our point of view out so we can assemble and I can appoint you to be the spokesman. That’s freedom of speech — to be able to collectively speak for a sector of people. But somehow it’s turned into ‘I can be an asshole whenever I feel like, say whatever I like, be disrespectful to people and not be courteous.’ It’s not good for our society. Not being courteous is not really freedom of speech."

Would it be piling on to point out that I think he's being an asshole and should be forced, preferably by an agent of the Government, to shut up?