Friday, June 11, 2010

Good news for Obama...

America is so obsessed with his awful performance on the BP Oil Spill that they are no longer paying attention to his shitty HealthCare bill!

Oh and the Left is so focused on the size of Sarah Palin's breasts that they have totally forgotten about Obama's lack of balls.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I don't know how they work, but I'm sure they're bad

You know I used to say Obama was a smart and decent guy with the wrong ideas who got caught up in a tough situation he was not prepared for? Well now I think he may just be a moron.

Oh I'm sure he's a formidable intellect, in that he did whatever he had to do to be so-branded by Harvard... but for a guy who fashions himself an African-American community activist whose Liberalism was born on the mean streets of Chicago... he certainly doesn't seem to have much going for him in the way of street-smarts.

He seems more like that nerd from High School who got straight A's in Ms. Arentyouadorable's class and then got beat up every day on the walk home by kids with muscles and Football rushing records.

I mean, really, how else to you explain these unbelieveable unforced errors, like getting in front of a group of people including reporters, and decrying as a threat to Democracy, things you admit in your speech that you've never even used?

He actually said the following...

"With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, -- none of which I know how to work -- information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation," Obama said."

You know how every now and then a violent or sexually explicit movie or video game appears in the marketplace and then some Repubican politicial or religious leader comes out and denounces it, after which some intrepid reporter asks them if they have seen the movie or game in question and they answer "no"? And then all those reporters spend the next three news cycles relentlessly bagging on the Republican or religious leader in question for denoucning something he's never seen or used?

Yeah me neither.

What Obama is rally lamenting here is that all this free-flowing information is a threat to his control over the narrative... a narrative that 20 years ago, with no internet and a compliant Liberal media, we would have had to swallow wholesale, with nothing else to do but say "thank you Dear Leader, for whatever scraps of information you see fit to share with us."

I know I keep saying this but... we WILL remember in November.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Next Gen Battlespace? Twitter

I'm tired of Andrew Breitbart taking all the AA flak. It's time for us amatuers to get in on the fun. To that end, I have established a Twitter account so that I can take this battle to the social networks. I fully intend to take shots at every nasty Lib whose racist/sexist/homophobic tweets get retweeted by Andrew.

Follow George MF Washington on Twitter @GMFWashington. You can find reliable ole Tom Jefferson @tommfjefferson.

Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Time for a name change.

I submit to you that it no longer makes sense to call the Federal Government "UNCLE SAM."

An uncle is that guy you go to when you need a little help. When you need someone to look after you from cradle to grave because you're either unable or unwilling to take care of yourself... well that's when you go to your Dad. Taking care of every single detail of your life is not your Uncle's responsibility, it's your Dad's.

Actually, in point of fact, it's really YOUR responsibility, but since that concept seems to have been laughed out of the room lately, it's time to start thinking of the Federal Government not as an "Uncle", but as "Dad."

Hence, I think it's time to stop calling our Government "Uncle Sam" and to start calling it...


Who's making up the bumper stickers?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What a GREAT question!

Next time someone accuses you of racism for not supporting Obamacare, ask them this in response.

"Do you really think I'd be in favor of Obamacare if Obama was white?"

(HT: Instapundit)

Monday, March 29, 2010

I once had a mayor who sucked THIS much!

You may or may not know this, but Los Angeles is in a huge fiscal hole. Our city is bankrupt to the tune of 500 million dollars... and frankly, L.A. for all its sprawl just ain't big enough to be half a billion dollars in the red, but hey maybe that's just one man's opinion.

As a result, the city (not to mention the county and state) keep raising taxes on the few remaining productive citizens left in this city in a desperate bid to close the gap... aaaaaand as just about anyone with even a basic understanding of economics could predict, it's causing those productive citizens to flee the state in droves... which is of course making the problem worse, not better.

And now, into this spicy stew of economic doom and idiocy has waded our illustrious mayor with his latest brilliant idea for cementing his legacy as the worst mayor any major American city has ever had.

Let me tell you what this guy wants to do...

He's come up with a plan to raise the rates that Angelenos pay for water and power service. OK fine, but it's not so much the "what" that bothers me as the "why." Is he looking to raise a huge new pile of money to close the budget gap, or to pay for more cops and firemen, or to pay for the massively underfunded pension system he's saddled us with?

No. He's raising this money to create a "green" enegry slush fund. A Green Energy slush fund ladies and gentlemen! Now I know it's been a long time since the Mayor lived in the private sector and had to live on a budget funded by money he made with his own two hands slogging to work every day, but I think it's time we explained the way the real world works to people like Tony Villaraigosa and those who think like him.

Here in the real world, when you bust your budget, you don't just go out and spend more money on a big screen TV. When you've screwed up the budget, Tony, you pay for only the things you absolutely need... and you don't get to buy all the things you want... even if you really REALLY want them. And a goddamned GREEN PROJECTS SLUSH FUND is a luxury somewhere below fur sinks right now in our current state of economic affairs.

This guy just does. Not. Get. It.

So, the next time you see ole Tony fly in with a plan to save the day, just remember, that "S" on his cape doesn't stand for "Super."

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The coming narrative

If you were of political age during the first Clinton term, then you've seen what's about to happen before. After Clinton's election we started to see articles in the major papers about "Angry White Men." The idea was that, in Clinton, minorities finally had a voice in the White House and that White folks were pissed off about it... left to you was the reponsibility of filling in the "why"... which was, of course racism.

Right-wing "Militias" became the new boogeyman and overzealous government agents faned out into the heartland looking for domestic terrorists to bring down.

Well here we are again... I see Frank Rich has a piece that Drudge has linked to alleging that, once again, Angry White Men see their place in society slipping and so racism-feuled domestic terror has to be on our horizon... expect Ruby Ridge-like raids to be a part of our near-future.

What's amusing is that they seem to think this is a brand new narrative. It isn't. We've all seen it before... it's just that some of us are better at remembering it.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Freakin' street cleaners

Not all of you live in a city quite as preposterous as this cocked-up, jury-rigged, half-assed cautionary tale we call Los Angeles, so every now and then it seems worthwhile to bring you stories of what can happen when the idiots wind up in control. Consider it a warning.

Every street in L.A. is subject, once a week, to street sweeping. For one three-hour period, it is illegal, under pain of a 40-dollar parking ticket, to park on one particular side of the street. Why? because at some point during those three hours, a giant hunk of metal, basically a motorized water tank is going to drive by and spray a light misting of water on the street while spinning a giant brush over the area in an effort "clean" the street.

These machines do not clean the streets. The streets look no different after they pass by. But that's not really what street cleaning is about, is it?

Let me break it down for you. You buy one of these machines for, let's say $100,000, and then you drive it around L.A. all day every day collecting 40 bucks a pop. How long, do you think, before that machine is in the money? My guess is not long.

And why is it that most of the three hour windows are 9-12 and 12-3? Because those are the hours they are most likely to catch people in the red zones so as to better maximize revenue... right as the morning commute is starting, and on either side of the lunch hour. If they worked from 2-5, they would never find anyone parked on a residential city street and cleaning those streets would be much easier to do.... but that's not the point is it?

And while we're at it, how often do we have to sit through drought warnings in Los Angeles? If everyone were really so concerned about water/gas conservation and the environment, maybe driving a 1,000 gallon gas-powered water tank around L.A. and spraying water all over the streets isn't the most, let's say "green", way to approach the problem?

Just another way they screw you here in the "City of the Angels."

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Morons. I've Got Morons On My Team.

From the Los Angeles Times website today - Republicans Walk The Line Over Healthcare Outrage

The story is predictable in its tone and condemnation of Republican actions in the wake of the health care vote. An excerpt for your viewing pleasure.

The GOP wants nothing more than to ride to victory this November the wave of anger stirred by President Obama's expansion of the federal government -- much of it from the burgeoning "tea party" movement. But as the ire turned ugly, Democrats questioned whether the GOP had crossed the line between loyal opposition and reckless provocation.

Oh, I must have missed the part where Republican lawmakers have encouraged violent protests. That is because they haven't.

Here are some of the despicable things Republicans have said in the recent days.

Opinion leaders have urged healthcare opponents to fight on in what some heard as "coded rhetoric" -- Sarah Palin's tweet: "Don't Retreat, Instead -- RELOAD!" and national Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele's wish to see House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on "the firing line."

Oh my god, RELOAD? Jesus, she said RELOAD! That must mean that I need to grab my gun and march on the Capitol! Christ, haven't any of these people ever read a sports page? Last year, instead of "rebuilding" its linebacking corp after losing three of their stars to the pros, numerous sports reporters said that the USC Trojans "reloaded" their linebacking corp and were ready to defend their Pac-10 title (sadly, for you Trojan fans, it really was a rebuilding year).

And as for "firing line," I mean, c'mon. We're now reaching for the phrase "coded rhetoric" in order to attempt to smear legitimate debate? Geez, given these standards, William F. Buckley would have had to rename his old show. For those of you who don't know, it was called "Firing Line."

Somewhere not mentioned in the article are two public opinion polls that could explain why the rhetoric has become more heated in the last few days. The CNN poll which stated that 59% of America did not want this health care bill. And the Rasmussen poll released today that said 55% of the people would like the bill repealed.

Generally, when you do something that 59% of the people don't want done, they get angry. Now, I don't condone violence in any way but the fact remains that in a country of 300 million (give or take if you're counting illegals or not), there are going to be some nutjobs on both sides of the aisle who do stupid things. But the majority of Americans are content to express their feelings peacefully at the ballot box and I am confident that they will do so in November.

Now, if the press were really interested in explaining the anger, they would be forced to confront the fact that the majority of the American people think this bill is a turd and that their elected officials defied their will and foisted it upon them anyway. But that would disrupt their narrative that the GOP is full of right wing violent extremists and can't be trusted. Luckily, the majority of Americans don't get their news from the MSM any more. They have other outlets and they know what is going on. And this why they're angry because they know when they're being lied to.

The MSM is full of morons who are not so much interested in reporting the news as they are in driving home a certain liberal narrative. Now, if they want to drive home a liberal narrative, they should just go work for the DNC.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

So Simple Even a Cave Man Can Do It

Why do people always think that the answer to a business that raises rates on a product is to have government step in and regulate the price? No where is this more evident than in the health insurance industry and the issue is particularly timely in California, where Anthem Blue Cross is raising some rates up to 39%.

In today's local fishwrap, also known as the LA Times, they have an article about how the California Assembly in Sacramento passed a bill out of the Health Committee that would require health insurance companies to justify their rate increases.

Health insurance companies and most preferred provider organizations would have to get approval from the Department of Insurance, while HMOs would have to get an OK from the Department of Managed Health Care. The state agencies would be charged with determining that premium increases are "not excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory," according to the bill.

Well, what is "excessive?" According to the article, more than 7% is excessive. Really? How did they arrive at that number? Did they just pick it out of thin air? The article doesn't say. But this proposed law has one Woodland Hills mother enthusiastic about it.

But Laurel Kaufer, a Woodland Hills mother, complained that her biggest problem was a recent 34% rate increase to $1,100 a month from her insurer, Anthem Blue Cross.

"I am required to seek prior approval before I can expect to receive coverage from my insurance company," she said. "There is no good reason why Blue Cross should be allowed to raise my rates without prior approval."

Hey, Laurel, they actually do have to get your approval to raise your rates. They send you a letter saying that your rates will go up unless you opt out. I know because I'm with Anthem Blue Cross and I got a letter.

But back to this new law they're proposing and the power it will give to government bureaucrats. How do we know that these Government agencies are always looking out for us and not them? That side has lobbyists too and they can write big checks. Who is to say that a little money spread around the capital by Anthem Blue Cross or Kaiser will allow them to raise rates as high as they want? Why should we give government more control over this? Why shouldn't the people have more control over this?

My suggestion is for California to open up the state to other insurance providers. Legally, there is nothing stopping them from doing this as the state insurance commissioner already has this power. That way, you could go find another health plan that would cost less per month. Gee, wouldn't it be great if we could shop around for health insurance just like we shop around for auto insurance? That's an idea so simple even a cave man would get it.

Unfortunately, we seem to have the neanderthals running government.

New Rules

So now that my health insurance premiums are going up because I will now have to subsidize Fatty McButterpants's health care, I want the right to impose some new rules on my fellow Americans.

1) If you are overweight, you are not allowed to smoke, drink alcohol, or eat fast food.

2) If you are currently thin, you will not be allowed to get overweight. Eating anything fattening is now illegal because it will cause you to gain weight and that will cause problems down the road so let's just cut that out now. Put down that piece of cheesecake and back away. Slowly.

3) Intravenous drug use shall remain illegal. If you are caught using intravenous drugs, you will be shot on sight. I don't want to have to pay for your rehab bills and let's face it, how many of you are really going to turn your lives around rather than relapse?

4) People will be forced to join a gym and exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. And if you can't find 30 minutes to exercise, your employer must allow you to take the time out from work to exercise, just like voting.

5) Smoking is now illegal because it kills and it will cost money to treat people with lung cancer. C'mon America, we can put those cigarette companies out of business.

So let's start with those new rules and see where that gets us. I'm sure the founding father would be so proud of us right now.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

And Another Thing Vonnegut, I'm Stopping Payment On The Check

The title of the post refers to something Rodney Dangerfield's character said in the classic 80's movie BACK TO SCHOOL. And that is the spirit of my post to President Obama and the Democrats in Congress.

Since we are now living in a world where they don't feel bound by the will of the people, I present my list of demands to them.

1) I want a good job that pays me over $250,000. They said that it is everybody's right to have a good job. Well, I am now demanding that they give me one. And it can be one of those green jobs that they're always talking about. I'm not picky.

2) I am also demanding that operation I've been putting off because it's really elective surgery but now that healthcare is a Constitutional right (although I've read it and cannot find that amendment in there), I want my surgery. And I demand that they pay for it.

3) I demand that they provide me with a good car to drive. They already own GM so they could give me one of those. It's my right as an American to have a car. And it's okay if it's a hybrid but it must have satellite radio and a sunroof because, according to them, it's my Constitutional right to have a good car with a warranty backed by the federal government.

Mr. Obama, will you have someone from your office call me and look into getting me those things? Thanks, you're a sport.

Congratulations Democrats, You Now Own It

Congratulations Democrats! On Sunday night, by a vote of 219-212, you voted to take control of the health care industry. You will now mandate what type of insurance that people can buy and how much they will pay for it. You have also exempted yourselves, other members of Congress, the President, the VP, and of course, the staff members who wrote the bill. How egalitarian of you. Are you familiar with the words of the Declaration of Independence that proclaim that all men are created equal? Probably not.

Guess what? You now own the health care system and all the broken promises that will go with it. You have added another $2 trillion dollar entitlement to our federal budget. May I remind you that we already have a $14 trillion federal debt that is bankrupting the country? How on God's green Earth are you going to pay for this? Oh, and how are you going to pay for the looming insolvency of Social Security and Medicare? Wait, I can see your idea now - cut defense spending and raise taxes. Oh, and by raise taxes, I'm not talking about letting the Bush tax cuts expire. I'm talking about President Obama having to go on TV and talking about raising the top bracket to 70%. How do you think that will go over?

The people reminded you again and again that the top issue on their agenda was the economy, jobs, and the deficit. And you ignored them. You have decided to impose your will on the people despite the fact that they didn't want it. I suppose you're betting that in November, the people will have forgotten about it. I suppose you think in November your Democratic party operatives will get people out to the polls by proclaiming that if the Republicans take over, they will take away their health care.

Well, I'm going to take that bet and lay odds that the people won't forget and that you will lose at least 80 seats in the House.

You're also betting that even when the Republicans take over, they won't have the spine to repeal it. I'm going to bet you're wrong on that too. When 59% of the people want something done, it usually gets done.

You have also changed the political rules. When the Republicans have a supermajority, and they will have a supermajority at some point in the future, do not complain when they do something you don't like by a party line vote. You have set the new rules. Don't be surprised when they use them.

I still believe that America is a great country and the people will not roll over and let you take it away from them. You ignored the 59% of the American people who didn't want this bill. Clearly, you don't think those 59% will do anything about it. But I bet they will.

And if they don't, then this is not the America I know.

Saturday, March 20, 2010


SO every day when I drive to the gym I pass one of those fancy schmancy west coast Liberal private schools for kids who are probably too young to go to private school. They have a large marquee out front where, each and every day, I get to read some progressive political missive that says something like "schools not guns" or "war is not the answer"... you know, the usual Liberal tropes.

But today I drove by and they've put the following message up: RESPONSIVE GOVERNMENT: PERHAPS AN OXYMORON?

I'm seriously considering going back there tonight with a ladder and a sign that says "YES IT IS, SO WHY ARE YOU LIBERALS ALWAYS ASKING FOR MORE OF IT!?"

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Warning: Christians engaging in (gasp!) Marketing!

Great piece at Big Journalism today... which may or may not have been written by a delegate to the Continental Congress.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The unfortunate symbolism of an iconic bumper sticker

I was driving to work on Friday in bright West Coast sunshine, sitting in traffic behind one of a dozen cars still sporting their "HOPE" bumper stickers with the iconic red, white, and blue caricature of Obama gazing into a bright Hopeychangey future and something occurred to me.

It's been well over a year now since those stickers were first affixed to their cars... two years in some cases... and those bumper stickers have started to display an unfortunate symbolism.

See after two years in the bright California sun, the blue has faded to grey and the red has faded to orange... and much like all the promises of hope, change, post-partisanism, and post-racialism... the Obama mistqiue has begun to fade as well.

So if you're still clinging to your Obama bumper sticker here in the second year of his presidency, you might want to reconsider whether or not you want to keep reminding me every day of all the failed promise of this rapidly souring Presidency.

Just a thought.

Why Olbermann is failing

I think I understand exactly what was going through Olbermann's mind when he first conceived his show. He thought to himself, you know, I see Hannity and O'Reilly going on TV every night and screaming their Right-Wing message for an hour, and lo and behold, the 40% of Americans who describe themselves as "Conservative" tune in hoping to hear their views reflected back at them, and thereby feel comforted. He probably then went on to convince himself that if he were to just do the same thing, but from a Leftist perspective, then the 40% of Americans who describe themselves as "Liberal" would provide him with the exact same kind of bulletproof ratings that Hannity and O'Reilly enjoy.

Here's the problem with what Olbermann actually did... he forgot to actually watch Hannity or O'Reilly's show before he launched his own. When you watch Keith's show, you get the impression that he was trying to duplicate what his Liberal friends TOLD him Hannity and O'Reilly were doing, rather than what they ACTUALLY do.

Because the reality is that whatever else Hannity and O'Reilly do, they respect their audience, and more importantly, they respect those who disagree.

Olbermann never has and never will.. which is why he called Scott Brown, a man who probably agrees with Olbermann on more issues than he disagrees, "an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, teabagging supporter of violence against women and against politicians with whom he disagrees."

Let's contrast that with Hannity's show. I haven't watched him in years, but back when O'Reilly was his lead-in and he shared his stage with Alan Colmes, I watched both shows almost every day. And since Hannity is the biggest idealogue of the two most popular personalities on Fox News (I have never watched Glenn Beck so I can't comment on him), let's focus on Sean for a minute.

Here's what I saw on Hannity's show. He and Alan would bring on guests from ALL SIDES of the political spectrum, and then they would take turns interviewing that guest from their own point of view without interrupting each other. So if Hannity spent his portion of the interview asking the guest "aren't you just a communist who wants to take away all our freedoms?", Alan would redirect the questioning and ask "isn't everything Sean just said bullshit?".

In this way, both points of view were aired IN THEIR ENTIRETY, in the end Sean and Alan respectfully agreed to disagree, and viewers were left to make their own judgement about what they just heard.

Keith never does this. He's a cowardly bomb thrower who hides in his studio and would never EVER show the kind of courage it takes to come out from behind his desk and debate a personality like Scott Brown, or Michelle Bachman, or Sarah Palin. I don't know Keith personally, but he doesn't seem that difficult to psychoanalyze... he's used to being the smartest guy in the room, he's used to dominating a conversation, and he's terribly insecure. Having a smart, two-way, give-and-take debate just isn't something his psychology allows him to handle.

And so he's created some weird, bastardized, Frankenstein's monster version of what his diseased mind has convinced him Hannity and O'Reilly have been doing every night for years.

And it's no surprise he's failing.

He has completely, and irretrievably, missed the entire point.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

So now Obama is going after the BCS?!?!

Look I'm no political genius... I'm sure we could argue the implications of the Massachusetts election until we're blue in the face... But I like to think that there's one message the voters of Massachusetts delivered that we can all agree on... they want their government to stop wasting time on shit that does. not. matter.

If you're a Democrat facing an election in November, you can't possibly think this is good news.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Just wanted to throw up a quick "Go Scott Brown!" post as he tries to deliver the death blow to Obamacare tomorrow.

Get it done buddy!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

One sentence sums up my politics

I'm watching FROST/NIXON. I'm enjoying it, despite the fact that it is a Liberal's wet dream. And Michael Sheen, who is playing Frost, just said a line that perfectly defines what I believe and love about America, and why I fight so hard to stop the policies that folks like Obama and Reid and Pelosi are pushing on us.

He said "Success in America is unlike success anywhere else."

Let's hope that's still true when Obama is finished with us.

UPDATE: Ugh, GOD... lazy filmmaking... LAZY!!!

Why do filmmakers always have to play the racist card. Yeah I get it, Nixon was a bad guy... you don't like him... but he HAS to be a racist too?

And the scene isn't even convincing!

Nixon Aide: Frost almost married Diane Carroll
Nixon: Who?
Nixon Aide: She's a singer
Nixon: Isn't she black?
Nixon Aide: Yes she is.
Nixon favors us with a knowing look.

So I'm supposed to believe that even though Nixon has no idea who Diane Carroll is, that he nevertheless knows that she's black?

God I hate it when movies do crap like that, it's so lazy.

There's a great example in CRIMSON TIDE as well which is equally unnecessary and sounds the sourest note in the film.

UPDATE 2: That was a very good movie. But I really think if not for that completely unnecessary and strangely out-of-place racism moment, I would have called that a GREAT movie.