Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Congratulations Democrats, You Now Own It

Congratulations Democrats! On Sunday night, by a vote of 219-212, you voted to take control of the health care industry. You will now mandate what type of insurance that people can buy and how much they will pay for it. You have also exempted yourselves, other members of Congress, the President, the VP, and of course, the staff members who wrote the bill. How egalitarian of you. Are you familiar with the words of the Declaration of Independence that proclaim that all men are created equal? Probably not.

Guess what? You now own the health care system and all the broken promises that will go with it. You have added another $2 trillion dollar entitlement to our federal budget. May I remind you that we already have a $14 trillion federal debt that is bankrupting the country? How on God's green Earth are you going to pay for this? Oh, and how are you going to pay for the looming insolvency of Social Security and Medicare? Wait, I can see your idea now - cut defense spending and raise taxes. Oh, and by raise taxes, I'm not talking about letting the Bush tax cuts expire. I'm talking about President Obama having to go on TV and talking about raising the top bracket to 70%. How do you think that will go over?

The people reminded you again and again that the top issue on their agenda was the economy, jobs, and the deficit. And you ignored them. You have decided to impose your will on the people despite the fact that they didn't want it. I suppose you're betting that in November, the people will have forgotten about it. I suppose you think in November your Democratic party operatives will get people out to the polls by proclaiming that if the Republicans take over, they will take away their health care.

Well, I'm going to take that bet and lay odds that the people won't forget and that you will lose at least 80 seats in the House.

You're also betting that even when the Republicans take over, they won't have the spine to repeal it. I'm going to bet you're wrong on that too. When 59% of the people want something done, it usually gets done.

You have also changed the political rules. When the Republicans have a supermajority, and they will have a supermajority at some point in the future, do not complain when they do something you don't like by a party line vote. You have set the new rules. Don't be surprised when they use them.

I still believe that America is a great country and the people will not roll over and let you take it away from them. You ignored the 59% of the American people who didn't want this bill. Clearly, you don't think those 59% will do anything about it. But I bet they will.

And if they don't, then this is not the America I know.

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