Saturday, January 30, 2010

So now Obama is going after the BCS?!?!

Look I'm no political genius... I'm sure we could argue the implications of the Massachusetts election until we're blue in the face... But I like to think that there's one message the voters of Massachusetts delivered that we can all agree on... they want their government to stop wasting time on shit that does. not. matter.

If you're a Democrat facing an election in November, you can't possibly think this is good news.

1 comment:

Thomas M.F. Jefferson said...

I think it's fine to go after the BCS. Of course, this means that Obama has dealt with the economy, the bloated entitlement programs, the wasteful government spending, and the health care mess that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid created. Oh wait, he hasn't done any of that yet. Time to get back on track and leave the BCS alone Mr. President.