Saturday, January 9, 2010

One sentence sums up my politics

I'm watching FROST/NIXON. I'm enjoying it, despite the fact that it is a Liberal's wet dream. And Michael Sheen, who is playing Frost, just said a line that perfectly defines what I believe and love about America, and why I fight so hard to stop the policies that folks like Obama and Reid and Pelosi are pushing on us.

He said "Success in America is unlike success anywhere else."

Let's hope that's still true when Obama is finished with us.

UPDATE: Ugh, GOD... lazy filmmaking... LAZY!!!

Why do filmmakers always have to play the racist card. Yeah I get it, Nixon was a bad guy... you don't like him... but he HAS to be a racist too?

And the scene isn't even convincing!

Nixon Aide: Frost almost married Diane Carroll
Nixon: Who?
Nixon Aide: She's a singer
Nixon: Isn't she black?
Nixon Aide: Yes she is.
Nixon favors us with a knowing look.

So I'm supposed to believe that even though Nixon has no idea who Diane Carroll is, that he nevertheless knows that she's black?

God I hate it when movies do crap like that, it's so lazy.

There's a great example in CRIMSON TIDE as well which is equally unnecessary and sounds the sourest note in the film.

UPDATE 2: That was a very good movie. But I really think if not for that completely unnecessary and strangely out-of-place racism moment, I would have called that a GREAT movie.

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