Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bold Prediction: Bob Barr wins Los Angeles County

Well... maybe he doesn't win, but he's going to have one hell of a strong showing.

While waiting in line to vote this morning, there was a kerfluffle... a hullabaloo, if you will, amongst the voting stations. I mostly ignored it as I moved into position to vote, myself.

I soon found out what was wrong. Someone had discovered that the Democratic Voters' Guide that they were using to mark their ballot had incorrectly listed the number that corresponded with the Democratic Candidate for President.

On the ballot, the Obama/Biden ticket was inkadot #18, but the voter guide listed the correct number as #8, which was actually the Libertarian candidate, Bob Barr.

So, if you intended to vote for Barack Obama in Los Angeles county, but never looked at the ballot, only your Democratic voter guide, then there is a better than average chance you voted for Bob Barr.


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