Friday, November 28, 2008

The Cult of Obama; Part 456

Yesterday I got an e-mail from a friend I hadn't seen in a while. The e-mail looked exactly like one of the Evite e-mails I get about four times a day, so I didn't look at it that carefully, simply clicked on the link.

Imagine my surprise when I was re-directed, not to the Evite webpage, but to the website for Barack Obama.

Here's the text from the page I was sent to:

What's Next for America (Change is Coming)

Please join XXXX and XXXX at their open house event to discuss the issues that are most important to all of us and to learn what we can do to support President Obama's agenda to ensure the change we seek becomes a reality.

Food and refreshments will be served. Drop by anytime starting at 4:30pm on XXX. McCain voters and conservatives are most welcome!

This is an official event. Yes We Can!

Now, these are very nice people, and I'm sure they mean well, but it's starting to feel like my friends all went out and became Scientologists. If you want to discuss politics with me, that's fine, but I'm not interested in being recruited.

This is all getting a little bit creepy.

1 comment:

Betsy F.U. Ross said...

"McCain supporters and conservatives are welcome"???? Hahahaha. They want us there so that they have something to throw on the grill.