Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What I Hope For

Well, now that President Obama has officially taken the oath of office at the coronation, I mean, inauguration, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish him well. He has a lot of challenges ahead of him: Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Russia (can't forget them), out of control entitlement programs, the economy, and last but not least - tax and spend Democrats controlling Congress.

I will support him on issues where we have common ground and oppose, but not obstruct, him on issues where we disagree. I hope that he doesn't think that more government is the solution to all of our problems. I hope that he realizes that higher taxes are not the way to revive a sluggish economy. I hope he doesn't starting spending our tax dollars on a boondoggle stimulus bill. And I hope he realizes that the power of the individual is what makes America great, not the power of the government.

Yes, it's a lot of hoping but a man can dream, can't he?

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