Monday, January 19, 2009

Kumbaya? No thank you...

So there's this guy I've known for ten years or so. Decent guy and I like him, but for the last 8 years he's had a very bad case of Bush Derangement Syndrome, and his anger at President Bush caused us to drift apart.

How did it do that? Well over the last 8 years he's called me a lot of names I didn't really enjoy being called. "Nazi", "Brownshirt", "Sheep", "Racist", "Stupid." I didn't really hold it against him, I still consider him a friend, and being a Republican in the most liberal state in America, I have pretty thick skin.

But ever since Obama's victory, I've been getting some strikingly different e-mails from my friend. Obama has, apparently, asked his most ardent supporters (my friend worked for the campaign) to begin outreach towards Republicans who disagree with the new President. And so my friend has reached out. I get e-mails with headlines like "we are all in this together" and "if we come together we can be the change we seek."

Well here's the thing, after 8 years of being shit on, I don't really have an interest in joining in with the big Kumbaya moment that my Democratic friends suddenly want to have withe me.

I wish Obama well, I actually like the guy, and it is with that spirit that I will watch him govern. But to my friends who hammered the crap out of me over the last 8 years for having the temerity to vote for Bush, you can take your Kumbaya and shove it.

Pay close attention Democrats... over the next four years, I'm going to show you how a true Patriot behaves.

1 comment:

Thomas M.F. Jefferson said...

I second the motion. I will judge President Obama on his merits and how her governs. I will support him on ideas that we agree with and offer opposition, not obstruction, on where we don't.