Sunday, January 18, 2009

Are You Ready for Some Inauguration!?

I thought with the election over, I'd have much, much less Obama shoved in my face all the time. I thought that my TV watching would include smaller and smaller chunks of the President-elect until he faded into the background like a normal politician, only popping up from time to time while on a trip to a foreign nation or giving an address in the White House Rose Garden.

How wrong I was!

Halftime of the AFC Championship Game just ended. Instead of going into the studio for an insightful look at the 30 minutes of football just broadcast, we were instead treated to Katie Couric describing the events taking place now and in the future for this weeks' Presidential Inauguration. Look at all the celebs! Look how happy they look! Look at me barf up my dinner!


Networks use sideline babes in an obviously blatant attempt to pander to females and provide men with some eye candy (I guess all those men in spandex grabbing each others' butts makes some men uncomfortable?). But there are two things which should never mix: NFL Football & Katie Couric.

And on that note, I leave you with this totally unrelated link.

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