Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Billion Dollar Presidency

Putting aside previously discussed concerns about how he got the money, I think it's worth thinking about Obama's fundraising from a macro perspective. And by that I mean: SIX HUNDRED MILLION EFFING DOLLARS.

That's how much it takes, apparently, to win the Presidency in 2008.

Can there be any doubt that in 2012, or possibly 2016, that a campaign will raise and spend a billion dollars?

There are so many things wrong about that, I can't even get started on the list.


George M.F. Washington said...

There's still time... since he raised 150 million last month he could easily roll into the election having spent three quarters of a BILLION dollars. That's just insane.

Thomas M.F. Jefferson said...

Personally, I don't care if he wants to spend all that money but I do care that he's not transparent about it. The people should know who's buying the presidency. Incidentally, he gets to keep all the money that the campaign doesn't spend. Somehow, I don't think he'll be giving refunds for any unused money after the election.