Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tom Ridge: Useful Idiot

So Tom Ridge becomes the latest useless government bureacrat to discover previously unknown reservoirs of courage at, coincidentally, the exact moment where they decide to try and sell a book... following in the proud tradition of "great" men like Richard Clarke and Scott McClellan

Let's all take a minute to review the resume of this completely ordinary and unexceptional public servant as he gets ready to tell us about all the awful things he saw George Bush do, even as he found himself simply unable to do or say anything about it.

After a mere 22 months (I've taken longer to read stereo instructions) on the job as the totally ineffectual head of a disaster of an agency, Tom ran off to accept a 6-figure salary to sit on the board of HOME DEPOT. Now recall that HOME DEPOT lobbied vigorously in support of open borders through the 8 years of the Bush administration... and gee, it just so happens that those of us who supported cracking down on security at the border believed that Tom Ridge did everything he could at every single turn to keep those borders open, even to the detriment of his President's popularity.

I'm sure that's all just a coincidence though.

Meanwhile, I can't wait to hear the story of how Tom Ridge courageously stood up to Bush Administration attempts to use Terrorism warnings to help him win the 2004 election by not saying anything at all and keeping the story to himself so that he could finally tell it when it could prove most profitable to him... the day he releases a book.

What a courageous man... what a brilliant man of integrity...

What a douche.

The good news is that, as a human, Tom Ridge is so brain-numbingly dull, that even hardcore 9/11 Truther Libs won't be able to bring themselves to actually read this paperweight.

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