Monday, December 22, 2008

And... this is a good thing, how!?

"Forget Illinois: California is poised to be the top dog in Obama-era Washington.

With roughly a half-dozen Cabinet and key administrative appointees and a powerhouse congressional delegation led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, California is shaping up to be the new Texas, the alpha state whose cultural and policymaking influence was inescapable through most of the last eight years."

Let's review. California is on the brink of bankruptcy. We have open warfare between the legislature and our Governor. Businesses and citizens are fleeing the State in droves. Spending is up. Revenues are down. Our representatives are about to enact massive tax increases (which will only make things worse). Our public school system is among the worst in the nation. Criminal gangs run rampant across the State. Home values are in the tank and our Governor is about to force all State employees to take two days of unpaid vacation.

And these are the people we want running the Federal Government?

The only people should be happy about this news are Republicans planning on running for office in 2010 and beyond.

1 comment:

Thomas M.F. Jefferson said...

“I really do think the Barack Obama agenda is something that has been heavily California-driven, particularly the green environment and green technology stuff where California has been a leader out of necessity because of the environmental issues we confront,” said Bruce Cain, director of the University of California-Berkeley’s Washington Center in D.C.. “We were once regarded as kind of out there and too soft and too green. All that is now transformed dramatically.”

In California, our energy costs are higher when compared to the rest of the nation. We have not built a new power plant in over 30 years. We have not allowed off shore oil drilling over 30 years. Our gasoline costs more because of stricter fuel emission standards than the rest of the country. If this is green technology at work, oh boy, I can't wait to see what happens to the rest of the country.