Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dukes of Moral Hazzard

A reader comment from the Wall Street Journal in response to the Op-Ed "Dukes of Moral Hazzard."

I made a mistake. I got a mortgage that didn't overextend me and probably bought the right piece of property so it's not going upside down. As a reward I get to pay for TARP I, TARP II, the stimulus plan, mortgage nationalizations, bank nationalizations, and the AIG nationalization. What all else Obama will think up to punish me?

I couldn't have said it better myself.

President Obama is rewarding bad behavior while he engages in reckless spending and a doubling of the fiscal year debt in only 4 weeks on the job. I don't think that's the hope and change people were expecting.


George M.F. Washington said...

I just joined the Tea Party on facebook. You should join up.

George M.F. Washington said...

Also joined GOP TechSummit.