Friday, November 7, 2008

Insecure much?

Boy, how scared are they of a Sarah Palin resurrgence out there? I was walking through the office at about 6:30 last night, right in the middle of prime time, and the plasma screen in our lobby was tuned to CNN. There were five people on screen, four panel members and a host, and the question on the screen, in big white letters... the topic these presumably highly paid pundits had been brought on to discuss in the most watched hour of this network's coverage?


Not kidding. The election has been over for 48 hours. She lost. We have the first African-American president. As they wasted time on the issue of Sarah's wardrobe Obama was naming cabinet members and setting legislative priorities. The excuse that there's nothing else to talk about does not hold water.

Why are they so obsessed with destroying this woman?

UPDATE: I'm also pissed off at the gutless wonders from the McCain camp running around dropping anonymous shit bombs on Palin. And by the way, where is McCain on all this? Surely he must have some insight. He's doing himself AND his running-mate a disservice by not being out in front of these rumors. He was all over the local RNS parties that dared to run ads featuring Reverend Wright (and those were factually accurate), I think he owes his former partner the same attention to detail now that it's HER reputation on the line.

UPDATE 2: McCain's campaign manager was just on HANNITY AND COLMES saying the stories about Sarah Palin are absolutley not true and if he ever finds out who said that crap he's going to make them famous.


Alexander M.F. Hamilton said...

This kind of thing makes me think a McCain Administration would have been a disaster. There's always finger-pointing after a loss, but yeesh ...

George M.F. Washington said...

Yeah his people have not acquitted themselves well in their loss, and he has so far not stepped out in front of his organization to say "cut it out, this is not how heroes go out."

Thomas M.F. Jefferson said...

As Michelle Malkin pointed out, if the things they are saying about her are true - which I don't believe they are - but if they are true, then who looks worse - Governor Palin or the people who vetted her and didn't discover these things about her? I think they look like bickering idiots trying to cover their own asses. I'm glad those people are unemployed and I hope they never work on another campaign ever again, unless it's for the Democrats.