Wednesday, November 5, 2008

From Europe, with condescension....

Does it bother anyone else that we've been getting these condescending pats on the back from Europe in the wake of this election? It's like they've deigned to come down from their secret redoubts high atop Mt. Olympus to say to us peons "well done youngsters... maybe you're not the violent little rednecks we always took you for, after all."

Someone remind me... how many European countries have had a black head of state?

Yeah, I freakin' thought so.

I wish someone with more clout than I would have the balls to point out to Europe that we've achieved three times the social evolution they have in about a quarter of the time. France was around for many hundred of years and never thought to have a democratic revolution until after we made it look cool.



Thomas M.F. Jefferson said...

I thought the same thing. Hey, maybe this is a good opportunity for Obama to play the race card with them. Oh, you don't support us Germany? Why? Because I'm black?

George M.F. Washington said...


That is REALLY funny, dude.