Friday, October 2, 2009

Blame It On Rio

So it seems that President Obama's trip to Copenhagen to secure the 2016 Summer Olympics has failed. In fact, Chicago was the first city eliminated in a process that ultimately saw Rio come out on top. Congratulations to Rio!

What does this mean for President Obama? It means he risked the cache of being the leader of the free world to try to secure an Olympic games for his former cronies in the city of Chicago. And he lost. You never risk presidential cache on something where the outcome is in doubt. That would be like a prosecutor asking questions and not knowing the answers the witness is about to give (sure that happens in movies all the time, but in real life, not so much).

Perhaps this will get President Obama refocused on things that really matter to this country - like the unemployment rate that keeps rising, the fact that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon (and doesn't care what we think about it), and the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan. Mr. President, will you actually stand up and start governing rather than just campaigning? I suspect this is why he decided to go to Copenhagen. It felt like a campaign event since he was going to there to make a speech and talk about why the people should choose him, I mean, the city of Chicago, to host the Olympics.

Instead, it was a giant waste of taxpayers money. Unfortunately, that seems to be par for the course these days in Washington.

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