Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Getting a kick out of all the Facebook Status updates...

"xxxxxx never wants to see Bush's face again"


"xxxxxx is breathing a sigh of relief that the idiot has left the White House"


"xxxxxx ding-dong, the witch is dead."

Stay classy Democrats!

UPDATE: Here's another funny one...

"xxxxxx is ready to extend a hand, if the Right will unclench their fists. And unpucker their butts."

Wow, how gracious of you! Yeah, by all means, extend that hand of post-partisan cooperation, but don't forget the joybuzzer!

You'd think having won would have allowed the Left to relax a little and stop with the insults, but I guess not. Here's a tip: I'd be a lot more likely to accept that extended hand if it didn't come with the requisite dig... y'know, just FYI.

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