You know I used to say Obama was a smart and decent guy with the wrong ideas who got caught up in a tough situation he was not prepared for? Well now I think he may just be a moron.
Oh I'm sure he's a formidable intellect, in that he did whatever he had to do to be so-branded by Harvard... but for a guy who fashions himself an African-American community activist whose Liberalism was born on the mean streets of Chicago... he certainly doesn't seem to have much going for him in the way of street-smarts.
He seems more like that nerd from High School who got straight A's in Ms. Arentyouadorable's class and then got beat up every day on the walk home by kids with muscles and Football rushing records.
I mean, really, how else to you explain these unbelieveable unforced errors, like getting in front of a group of people including reporters, and decrying as a threat to Democracy, things you admit in your speech that you've never even used?
He actually said the following...
"With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, -- none of which I know how to work -- information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation," Obama said."
You know how every now and then a violent or sexually explicit movie or video game appears in the marketplace and then some Repubican politicial or religious leader comes out and denounces it, after which some intrepid reporter asks them if they have seen the movie or game in question and they answer "no"? And then all those reporters spend the next three news cycles relentlessly bagging on the Republican or religious leader in question for denoucning something he's never seen or used?
Yeah me neither.
What Obama is rally lamenting here is that all this free-flowing information is a threat to his control over the narrative... a narrative that 20 years ago, with no internet and a compliant Liberal media, we would have had to swallow wholesale, with nothing else to do but say "thank you Dear Leader, for whatever scraps of information you see fit to share with us."
I know I keep saying this but... we WILL remember in November.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
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